Divorce the word itself is painful for many. When you wish to proceed with a legal formality to relieve from your marriage, the hesitation, the doubts, fears, chaos in mind and heart needs an expert to handle along with the legal proceedings.

I[Sai Krishna Azad] awarded as best NRI divorce Advocate in Hyderabad, Telangana. also, deal with any kind of legal services for NRI’s.


top nri divorce lawyer in hyderabadWe provide the best services as a legal entity to come out of your marriage within a reasonable time frame and with the best legal and mental support, anyone can give you. All our client information is maintained highly confidential. We understand your needs and provide the services which suit your needs.

We also provide consultation services to clear all your doubts and fears before you take the leap of faith in your life with us.

We provide different services which you require right now like

  1. Consultation with the lawyer
  2. Drafting of legal notice to the spouse
  3. Filing of the case
  4. Any other services as related.

We undertake all sorts of cases like Mutual divorce, Legal custody of the child, contested divorce proceedings etc.


Why are we the Best Divorce Lawyers in Hyderabad


  • We provide the best in-person consultation services answering all your queries.
  • We provide online support to you via email or a chat or WhatsApp or a phone call
  • All our services are available 24*7, so you never feel alone. We are with you in this.
  • We have specialized and vast experience in dealing the best cases. Our relieved clients gave us the best testimonials.
  • We are updated with every single progress in the Divorce scenario in India.
  • However simple or complicated your case we can handle it for you and relieve you from your mental agony.
  • We are best Lawyers not only by the number of cases we have won but also by the way we handle our clients
  • Hire us and leave the rest to us.


1.Thе pаrtіеs tо thе dіvоrcе shоuld bе sеpаrаtеd sіncе lаst оnе yеаr frоm thе dаtе оf fіlіng оf thе pеtіtіоn fоr dіvоrcе.
2.Thе dоcumеntаry prооf оf mаrrіаgе bеtwееn thе pаrtіеs іs tо bе fіlеd bеfоrе thе cоurt.
3.Thе phоtоgrаphs оf thе pаrtіеs аrе аlsо fіеld аlоng wіth thе pеtіtіоn.
4.Thе prооf оf rеsіdеncе оf thе pаrtіеs іs аlsо tо bе fіlеd bеfоrе thе cоurt.